Time is money, time is power

Posted by youngminds75 | Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ofcourse all of us heard this saying, time is money, literally it is!
You can do something with out your experience, you can do something without your skill, but, we can do nothing with TIME and that's power right.

In a future where time is literally money, and aging stops at 25, the only way to stay alive is to earn, steal, or inherit more time. The wealthy have accumulated thousands of years, allowing them to live forever, while the poor beg, borrow, and steal enough minutes to make it through the day. Will Salas (Justin Timberlake) lives life a minute at a time, until a windfall of time gives him access to the world of the wealthy, where he teams up with a beautiful young heiress (Amanda Seyfried) to destroy the corrupt system. 

like it here:
Watch the trailer here: 


It has grow to be obliged to, for every web experts to use twitter sharing buttons and applications as much on his web as possible. This lets users to easily share/tweets our blogs and websites which thereby produce traffic for us in return. Mohammad of MBT has shared a pretty cool twitter bird that flies from corner to corner of your web page as you scroll up or down. It has a follow me link as well as tweet link. It is friendly with all type of browsers.

To add the flying bird:
  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup your template
  3. Search for </body>
  4. And just above it paste the code below

<script src='http://bloggerblogwidgets.googlecode.com/files/way2blogging.org-tripleflap.js' type='text/javascript'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var twitterAccount = "Realways";
var tweetThisText = " <data:blog.pageTitle/> : <data:blog.url/> ";

    5. Replace Realways with your twitter account username.
    6. Save your template and you are done!
    7. View your blog to see it flying. :)


Please always do a preview before saving your new template design. If you encounter any problem just let us know.

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