These grants were created for people who want to go to college or university, but cannot afford the tuition on their own. This is important to know when you start the process because you will need to have some sort of financial need in order to be successful. It is a federal program instituted for those who need help paying for the costs that are associated with post-secondary education.
Obviously to be considered, you must provide documentation that suggests that you are in need of assistance. It will determine whether or not you can obtain the grant and how much you will be able to get if you are within the guidelines. There are a few options that will be available to you, and what you need to have will be slightly different for each of them.
One of the biggest factors in proving your financial need will be financial history of your family. You will have to provide information that forms and determines expected family contribution in every aspect of their finances. The formula is composed of what you are going to need to pay for school and what your overall financial situation is.
This will allow you to begin the application process for a free application for free student aid, or FAFSA as it is called. Only this application is needed in order to apply for the funding that is available for you. Sensitive information is needed to figure out what the expected family contribution will be, and this process can help you to gather it.
All of your personal income history for the year will be needed once you begin to fill out this application. Additionally, your parents will need to submit their yearly income and however big the household is for the year as well. If there are other people in the household that are in post-secondary institutions need to be listed as well, but this does not include your parents.
Other things that may be taken into consideration are whether or not your parents are working, how much assets they possess, or how old they are. The assets portion of this determination would include any property that has value, equity on a home, or anything that can contribute to personal income. The lower the expected family contribution is, the more likely you will be to get the most funding that is available for your education.
There are many other things that are required for Pell Grant eligibility, but determining family income is the biggest one. It is important to show exact need in order to get the money you need for post-secondary schooling. Your parents income and financial situation will be looked at as a stepping stone to how much money you may be ultimately be awarded.
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The writer has worked in the education field for over ten years and teaches students about the critical components.
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